I am working on Turkcell as consumer finance systems engineer at the application operation department. I give support to applications of TFŞ (Turkcell Finansman A.Ş.). There is a big data actually. There is a lot of data that can be reached about customer information. We have a great opportunity to do it with r-programming
I found some of the conversations interesting in the RStudio Conference 2018. The first of these is Phrasing: Communicating data science through tweets, gifs, and classic misdirection. here The speaker is Mara Averick who is reseaerh analyst at RStudio, Data Nerd.
The other conversations is the Large scale machine learning using TensorFlow, BigQuery and CloudML Engine within RStudio. [here] (https://www.rstudio.com/resources/videos/large-scale-machine-learning-using-tensorflow-bigquery-and-cloudml-engine-within-rstudio/)
Another example is Machine Learning with TensorFlow and R. [here] (https://www.rstudio.com/resources/videos/machine-learning-with-tensorflow-and-r/)