Part 1 - About Me

I am working on Turkcell as consumer finance systems engineer at the application operation department. I give support to applications of TFŞ (Turkcell Finansman A.Ş.). There is a big data actually. There is a lot of data that can be reached about customer information. We have a great opportunity to do it with r-programming

Part 2 - Examples

Example 1

I found some of the conversations interesting in the RStudio Conference 2018. The first of these is Phrasing: Communicating data science through tweets, gifs, and classic misdirection. here The speaker is Mara Averick who is reseaerh analyst at RStudio, Data Nerd.

Example 2

The other conversations is the Large scale machine learning using TensorFlow, BigQuery and CloudML Engine within RStudio. [here] (

Example 3

Another example is Machine Learning with TensorFlow and R. [here] (